Thursday, July 24, 2008

I work everyday like it's Friday!

Since I'm incapable of working this week--seriously, kiddos, it's been pretty bad on the production front--I've been reading blogs. More specifically, I've become enamored with the entire concept of BlogHer which just happened: parties! Free drinks! Free food! Geeking out like whoa!

However, while reading through the attendents'/panelists' blogs I have come to a realization: bloggers are scary people, yo. Like, crazy intense about the whole writing thing. And they're good at the whole writing thing.

And then I think about my own blogging skills. I keep a f-locked Livejournal full of rants about song lyrics or the weather or just random "ohmigod, I'm so so so sorry for not updating! My life is so crazy (not really but as an intern I have to keep up the appearance of trying to keep of the appearance of being busy all the time)!!!"

I have several defunct blogs that all seemed like good ideas at the time and then I realized that I really don't have the patience to take pictures of all my lunches or make awesome outfits on polyvore. They're still floating around out there--full of lameness, trust me.

Anywho, brava BlogHer bloggers! You're dedication to the craft is inspiring and frightening. Not enough to make me stop reading though. And not enough to make me try to make my LJ more meaningful.

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