Wednesday, August 6, 2008

A nation may be run on it's stomach, but here in Amerrrrica! we just need our coffee

Y’all, DC is agog—agog, I tell you—with this whole “$2 drink deal” from Starbucks. We just cannot believe that they would pick us for something this amazing. For heaven’s sake, it’s the price of a regular, “[sm/t]all” coffee!

And it has hit our intarwebs:

I went to Starbucks myself yesterday morning and I thought I was this super special winner for getting a receipt about the $2 drink. Then I went back to my office, checked my email, and there was the newsletter announcement (Yes, I am signed up for Starbucks emails, why the judgmental face?). Way to crush my self-esteem SB.

If I weren’t so concerned about my dwindling bank account—and the school year hasn’t even started!—and my growing tummy fat, you betcha I would be lined up twice a day for something deliciously caffeinated.

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