Friday, December 12, 2008

Why I don't nap

I got about five hours of sleep last night since I had two early finals this morning. So I decided that I should take a nap when I got back from school.

I finished a Law & Order episode, closed my computer, turned off my lights.

Damn it, have to get my drycleaning (right across the street). Return about six minutes later.

Tell my roomate I'm taking a nap. He asks me when I want to be woken up (hardeeharhar, I am actually capable of waking up sometimes).

Lie down.

Some music would be nice. Turn on computer and go to Pandora.

God, Pandora is taking forever to load.

Ooh, haven't read some blogs in a few days (okay, 24 hours. Sue me). I can do that while they load.

This link looks interesting. So does this one. And that one.

Go through the links. Cute purses!

Okay, okay, focus Mallory Scott.

Symphonic, Classic Period should be appropriately soothing.

Back to bed.

Left side not comfortable.

Hmm, should I buy that purse at Loehmann's?

Neither is stomach.

Pro: Super cute and have wanted one like that for a while. Con: ridonkulously expensive.

Symphonic, Classic Period is not as soothing as I thought.

Are the people downstairs doing karaoke?

Ssshh, fine, I'll compromise and lay the cold spoons that I put in the fridge for this purpose over my eyes.

Cold! Cold Cold! Ow! Owowow! WTF. What kind of advice has Glamour been giving me re: cold spoons over eyes?! They burrrrrn!

Settle for rubbing soothingly over temples. Takes about two seconds as metal warms fairly quickly.

Fine. Napping is lame.

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