Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pumpkin Pickin'

I had a fab day! It was totally juvenile and wholesome and fun: I went to a pumpkin farm!

I, my friend from abroad, and two of her sorority sisters drove out to the MIDDLE OF NOWHERE (read: everything not DC, really) Maryland to the cutest little farm. It had fields and a silo and a barn. And was totally commercialized. There were tables for Kaplan colleges, some snowcone company, COSTCO--for heaven's sake-- and some bank. It was hilarious.

Anywho, there was a pony ride and some "Straw Mountain" and slides and water ducky races and--the best part of all--a MAIZE MAZE! So of course we had to do it all. I'm pretty sure all the Marylanders with their small children thought we were totally insane. It was awesome.

Except, hilariosity in the maze: we did the "Long Way" and the "Short Way" was a different maze in the same field. So we're wandering around this maze and have not a clue what we're doing. Now the paths in this maze are super narrow and the corn is bending over us and all that. So it's single file, Indian style. Anywho, we're wandering forever and we finally just start barreling through, "WTFery" abounding. And, somehow, somehow, we end up coming out of the "Short Way" entrance. God knows. Only we could have managed this.

After the maze, we are exhausted and kinda freezing (Fall has decided to hit--temps fell by about 20 degrees in one night) so we decided to go to the Barn BBQ or something. It was quaint, okay? I had the best fries ever. I mean, this includes Europe and Europe had awesome fries. These were simply amazing. On the other hand, I'm pretty sure the chicken nuggets were Perdue or Tyson's.

The piece de resistance: pumpkin picking. They had a real pumpkin patch. I picked my pumpkin from a vine. Sure, I had to basically wrench it off but it was awesome.

All in all, fun all over. And I am freakin' exhausted so I am not planning on waking up 'til 10:30 tomorrow.

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